Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Doritos yes! Alien discovery? Probably not, but it's the big sci-fi "alien" concept behind the latest Scifigo production we shot earlier this month. Originally the concept was produced as part of the Doritos "Crash the Super Bowl" commercial competition, but as scheduling became a bigger and bigger issue, especially with all of the visual effects and animation shots that were penciled in, we nearly missed the deadline for officially submitting this for selection. Keep your eyes peeled for new updates.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Visual Effects Demo

Here is the latest visual effects preview. These elements were created for the ScifiGo production, "Chronicle of the Dead".

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Chronicle Of The Dead!

I'd like to say Happy 2009 and a grand welcome to our fellow "COTD" Survivors of the plague. "Chronicle Of The Dead" has now been in the planning stages for a little less than a year, and now at long last the key members of the "COTD" team are being assembled to bring this Sci-fi Horror tale to reality. In the days to come I will begin to introduce the key players of this production. As an independent production, we're all excited about the prospect of bringing a high quality Science Fiction and Horror mini-series directly to the web. While it is our highest priority to maintain the highest production standards for this mini series, we would also like to keep our budget within the realm of reason, you see, what would be the fun in making a show of it ends up costing you the price of 4 or 5 houses in California! We'd like to illustrate that not only can a production like this be achieved with standard tools of the trade, but that the average filmmaker can make a show like this without standing on a studio lot.